The Danish climate of longer, wetter winters and shorter summers could imply the tires that you use on your vehicle. While the law does not regulate it, they recommend that car owners change their vehicle’s tires from regular to Winter tires, and vice versa.
Online tire companies will provide you with all the information you need to know regarding the different tires, and when they are best used for., an online review site that is filled with reviews of various Danish online stores, is useful in finding a recommended stockist near you, such as Daekonline, one of the top-rated online tire companies in Denmark. Read about this company’s reviews, customer feedback, products, services, and customer services so that you will know more about them before engaging in business with them.
What is the difference between normal tires and winter tires?
Winter tires are tires that are made of a safer compound and have deeper grooves and cuts in the tread, known as sipes. These tires help disperse water and snow, as the rubber moves, which creates better contact between the tire and the road.
There are two types of winter tires: Studded and non-studded. In the Nordic countries like Denmark, there are special speed limits in place, and studded tires are therefore only allowed between 01 November and 15 April. Studded tires could damage the surface of the road beneath the snow and are therefore only used in the winter month when there are harsher weather conditions.
While there are many benefits to winter tires for your vehicle, such as optimum traction and grip on the road surface, as well as the deeper grooves and cuts in the tread (sipes) which allow for better contact on the road, there are other, slightly cheaper alternatives available.
Snow socks or snow chains can be used instead of winter tires. Snow socks are high grip fabric covers that fit over the tire to provide better grip on the road surface. They are made from a woven fabric with an elastomer attached to the inner edge to enable you to clip it to your car tire. These are a cheaper option than snow chains and have been reviewed as being better as well. When driving with snow socks on your tires, you should drive at a slower speed. You can check your vehicle owner’s manual for the recommended mileage.
Snow chains are hardy, long-lasting options, and are safer than snow chains, as they are not made from fabric textiles. While they are not easier to install, they last longer and can provide more traction than snow socks would on a snowy or wet road surface. There is a maximum speed of 50km/h or 30mph if you are using snow chains on your vehicle.
Whether you choose snow chains, snow socks, studded or non-studded tires for your car during the winter months, make sure that you know about the benefits of each, as well as the risks, so that you can make your decision with all the information at hand. Check your car owner’s manual for restrictions that might be in place, as well as the regulations on winter tires in your city or country.