Increasingly smart technologies are being introduced into cars. Artificial intelligence can react faster than humans and is also introduced into tires.
Consumers are especially interested in tires that can adapt to different weather conditions by using sensor technology. According to a survey, 34% of drivers on the NorskeAnmeldelser hope that the black and round rubber parts on their cars will automatically react to what the weather forecast looks like. A smart tire can also monitor both itself and its surroundings faster and in more ways than the driver.
What do drivers want in terms of tires?
- Be safer
- Use sensor technology to adapt to different conditions
- Eliminate the need for seasonal change
- Wear at a slower pace than at present
- Run smoothly, saving fuel and therefore extending the range of the electric vehicle
- To be resistant to stings, to repair themselves
Many companies provide drivers with quality tires, for example, byttdekk no. Many tires are available and we will be able to find the latest models of smart tires.
New intelligent stability control systems will provide smooth driving allowing smooth lateral movements, so overcoming an obstacle will not require a change in driving direction.
Specially designed sensors for recording …